Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Philip Rosedale talking about the future of education in Virtual worlds

A few notes taken whilst listening to Philip Rosedale talking about the future of education in Virtual worlds.

He says that in addition to hardware, we need fast networks and low latency, and software that enables high speed transmission - then we can be emotionally connected with everyone.  We can literally see into the eyes of our students. High Fidelity is starting to make this available right now!

The architect or structure for moving forward - identity continues to evolve, avatars need to express and experience empathy to create more dedication to their avatar. Choices - mechanisms to identify folks become necessary – so that you can prove who you are! We need a shared marketplace that is independent of all servers where you can exchange content. Hyperlinking, or a doorway from one place to the next has to be clear – with maybe a look-up system like DNS?

We will be developing an internetwork of virtual worlds – Opensim and Second Life have started. Open source and open protocols need to be used. (No off switch)

Currently we have to use a mouse, with 2 degrees of freedom, up/down or side to side, the new software has up to 12 degrees of movement!

We should be able to host a rock concert will need hundreds or maybe thousands of machines – we can do it! We are experimenting with this at High Fidelity. You can get a lot of machines on line quickly so it is technically feasible. If everyone on the internet were talking at the same time, there aren't enough servers. There are 1/2 to 1 million physical servers and SL uses a significant percentage of them.
The next generation of VWs is likely to be built on shared machines! The implication is that to get access to all those machines that is several orders of magnitude higher than we have now...

On a tech side note, like the Oh Wow of Oculus, we have to see more stuff in the world.
When you fly up in SL, why can't you see the whole thing? We need a technology even better than SL that allows us to see 10 miles in the distance.

The hardware that we are going to see come on the market are fundamentally open the doors
The new hardware, led by Oculus, will open the doors to higher and easier ways to interface with virtual environments. The Leap and Connect are powerful.  In High Fidelity we use the short range version.
Without the learning curve, the population will grow.

The Architecture needs to be open.

We will be able to teach, seeing the eyes of the students – students really looking at you and paying attention! We can do things with specialised audio with higher power machines. The big challenge is getting more machines in the mix.

The privacy issues are going to be rich. When people have their own VW servers, we make decisions of trust as avatars coming into servers. We must have negotiations with the server.

For lots more info read

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