Sunday, 14 February 2010

First Greek Lesson :-)

Probably my last too. I am sure I have already been disowned, when, two hours after the lesson I could not answer the questions!

In Second Life this week Marisa Constantinides did a beginners' Greek lesson. We started in EduNation where we stood on a world map to show where we came from.  We learned the names of our countries and had a game to see who could get to the country named in Greek the quickest - Karelia won with Pawlus a close second - spot the competitive students :-) We moved on to ask where does one come from and reply.

After that we learned to say what our names were and to ask others what their names were. Marisa had prepared a vocabulary board that played the recorded lines as you touched it. She gave us all a copy so that we can practise at our leisure!

We moved from EduNation to Santorini, a Greek sim. There we chatted and finished the lesson with a Greek dance. It was great fun but it is very hard to see how the letters in the Greek alphabet relate to anything that we already know :-)

Now I just have to keep practising!


Marisa Constantinides said...

Ha ha.. I had not seen that post! I love that snapshot of my avatar you put up when I was practising face animations! You are so naughty!!!

I didn't actually use them in the lesson although I could have, the way you were all pushing against each other to get to the country on the map first!!

I must do a repeat of this with the new browser!

What a palaver it was to prepare all the vocabulary etc in the old way and how I want to experiment with the web on a prim!

Thank you so much for posting this!


Unknown said...

Hi Marisa
Yes a new first lesson using web on a prim would be good :-) I will be there.
Thanks for the comment!
See you soon in SL...