Saturday, 27 June 2009

The Holodeck Challenge

Visit the Flickr SLExperiments page to see a collection of photographs from earlier today:

Weeks ago the SLExperiments group and Osnagroup embarked on a project to build and share holodeck scenes that could be used for teaching languages.
It has finished today as a challenge but of course will never finish so long as people still keep finding the scenes useful and creating them!
About a dozen scenes were shared this afternoon, a Venezuelan shop with musical instruments, hammocks, vegetables, pots and flowers ready for one to haggle over the prices and pass the times of day, an Italian cookery lesson with free recipes and hover text explaining what all of the items are. There were four gardens, all very different, Mary has made two with notecard readers, Word Rez, lots of tools that are quite formal and very organised, Dennis has created the Dogme garden, a beautiful place to sit and talk and the fourth is the one I created, a very simple just grass, trees and seating.
There was a clothes stall ready for discussion on colours, costs, names of clothing and an Italian food and vegetable shop, a reading room where groups could discuss texts etc., a street with stalls where avatars can sell their own items, discuss needs and haggle over the price and a build not quite ready yet based on the English poem by Edward Lear called the Owl and the Pussycat.
The afternoon was very enjoyable and very successful!

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