Friday, 1 May 2009

Playing with Wordle - again :-)

I do love this little word pattern generating program :-) and have been trying out the tips from Thirty-one interesting ways to use Wordle in the Classroom. I tried using the right-clock to delete a term tip and it seemed to work perfectly -though someone has just Tweeted to say when you remove another one the original comes back - never noticed that one!!

The second tip that I wanted to try was to use ~ to link two search terms. I created a Wordle of my blog, but was then unable to link two words, for example Second and Life, I guess I would have to select as much of my blog as possible and paste it into notepad to be able to link words, then into Wordle. So - two example Wordles, one straight from the blog and one from a lesser section of the blog but with linked words!

Wordle: My day :-)

Wordle: My Day 2
I am sure that I have removed a whole load of words from this one without them returning though :-)

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