Well I have run my first ever proper training session in Second Life now. I am reasonably pleased with the way it went, but, as usual, there is room for improvement. The course was on e-safety and involved, video clips form You Tube, a presentation and discussion. We had a bit of an issue with video which has been pretty flaky tonight and some people could not see it. Some went outside of Second Life and watched them directly from You Tube, but it was not ideal. There was lag and all in all there seemed to be a variety of problems.
The content though seemed to really inspire most of the people attending and we can all appreciate the need to teach the parents! That is what I hoped for” One person, already quite involved in e-safety was pretty astounded at some of the facts, and one had watched a video on e-safety last week but still saw new stuff!
We had a brief discussion at the end about how to may have been improved. Given the video problems the circulation of the urls for the video clips beforehand may have been really good, then people could have watched them and contributed towards discussion during the course. I am going to try that for part two, but it may take away some of the impact! Even though distributing the urls before may have meant there was less impact, better discussion may have improved the content.
I am pretty exhausted – much more so than if I had done it in our training room – but exhilarated at the same time!!
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